Tuesday, April 29, 2008

1 year anniversary

Ok So yesterday was our 1 yr anniversary, WOW how fast this yr went by. I think about where Ryan and I were last yr on our wedding day and I look to where we are today and I think How far we have come. 1 year review: Last yr we were living in a rent house with a roommate, we had 1 car, not much in savings, and we had some serious credit card bills.
This yr we baught a home in a nice neighborhood, we no longer have a roommate, we baught 2 almost new cars, we have paid off our debts and we have money in savings. Ryan is making a great living so that I can now stay home and not work. Not to mention that we now have an amazing bassett hound, and we have a Baby Boy on the way. WOW!
Who would have thought in just 1 yr we would have accomplished so much?

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