Tuesday, June 24, 2008

He is Here

WELL he is here!!!!!Ok Tues 2 1/2 weeks before my due date, we went to the Hospital at 9:30 am having very very mild contractions, at noon they broke my water, I wasnt in pain at 4:30 pm, when they checked me & I was at 6cm, so I asked them to give me an epidural in 1 hr cause I wanted to make it to 7cm before I got it. That hr was murder, I couldnt understand why it hurt and the rest of labor wasnt that bad. Well they were suppose to check me then give me the epi, but they didnt they just gave it to me. They checked me just after and I was a 9 1/2. They got the Dr. in there and 4 pushs later we had a baby boy. Barrett Christian Landon was 19 inches long and 6 lbs 14 oz. He has red hair and we couldnt be more proud.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Contraction Update

Since I was having contractions every 3-4 min on Sat for more then 6 hrs(and couldnt enjoy my B-day celebration) and some yesterday & every 3 min this morning they moved my Dr. apt up to Today from Wed.
Well Barrett is measuring about 20-21 inches and is about 7lbs! HOLY Crap if I go another 3 weeks I am going to give birth to a toddler. LOL I am 1cm dialated and they said that the contractions are real contractions not Braxton Hicks, but that I am not in active labor yet.We are going to keep an eye on it and I will keep everyone posted.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

35 weeks & almost 30

Ok so yesterday I went back to the Dr. (again). He said everything is looking good, Barrett is growing very well and that I am right on track. I am so excited!!!! I go back on June 18 to have some tests run (standard last min stuff) and to see if this kid is almost ready to make is grand entrence. I am so ready for him to get here but I know when God is ready this little man will show up.
ALSO for those who dont know in just 9 days I am going to be 30 yrs old. You know I never thought I would be 30 and having my 1st child, however I wouldnt change it for the world. I realize now that when I was younger I was not ready to be a parent, NO MATTER HOW READY I THOUGHT I WAS! I was not done with the having fun stage the hanging out with friends when ever I wanted the haveing freedom to just pick up and go when I wanted. But now I am in the right place. I am more mature, in a wonderful healthy marriage, and we (Ryan and I) both realize that becoming a parent is so much more then just poping out a kid. It is a lifestyle change. Both he and I want our children to be raised in church, with parents that are loving, supportive, and there no matter what. A child need Parents who aren't gone all the time, or drinking all the time, and we want our kids to grow up in a good home, knowing the difference between right and wrong. We realize that Being parents means you can't both drink when we go out, what is something happens and you have to take care of that child in the middle of the night, or rush them to the ER. How would that look if you showed up with your child in the ER and you both reaked of alcohol. I assure you the hospital would call CPS faster then you can blink. We have agreed for Our childrens sake not to keep Any in our house either. We also realize that we are going to have to spend less time with our friends, (just the 2 of us) hanging out. Every now and then is cool but when you are a parent it is all about that child, PERIOD, there are no if's and's or buts about that. To be a good parent it takes commitment, love, a great support system, and a strong Faith based family life. Ryan and I have decided we are ready for these lifestyle changes and we look forward to the arrival of our son with excitment and joy.