Sunday, July 5, 2009

Barrett is 1

Well it has been a while since my last post. Since then Barrett has grown like a weed. He is now 1yr old, he has 7 teeth, 4 on top and 3 on bottom. He is 21lbs and 28 3/4" long. I will post pics next week after I get them developed, but he had a blast at his 1st b-day party. The Theme was sports, I made a cake that was a football surrounded by little baseballs and basketballs. All made from scratch might I add. We did let him dig in to one of the cakes by himself but it was funny he really wasnt interested in it. The next morning we flew to Vegas where we went to FAO Schwartz, walked the strip and had lots of fun in the Pool! It was a blast. Barrett is now saying all kinds of words, he stands by himself and walks if he is holding or pushing something. He does take a few steps unassisted but as soon as he realizes what he is doing or as soon as an adult starts watching him he quits. Smart little guy. Any way I will write more later, just wanted to give a quick update.