Tuesday, June 24, 2008

He is Here

WELL he is here!!!!!Ok Tues 2 1/2 weeks before my due date, we went to the Hospital at 9:30 am having very very mild contractions, at noon they broke my water, I wasnt in pain at 4:30 pm, when they checked me & I was at 6cm, so I asked them to give me an epidural in 1 hr cause I wanted to make it to 7cm before I got it. That hr was murder, I couldnt understand why it hurt and the rest of labor wasnt that bad. Well they were suppose to check me then give me the epi, but they didnt they just gave it to me. They checked me just after and I was a 9 1/2. They got the Dr. in there and 4 pushs later we had a baby boy. Barrett Christian Landon was 19 inches long and 6 lbs 14 oz. He has red hair and we couldnt be more proud.