Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's A BOY!!!!

Well Guys in case you havent heard Ryan and I are having a BOY!!!!
Let me just say that we were not going to find out until next month but due to a strange turn of events I had to go in to the Dr. for an emergency dr. Visit today 1/18/08. Both Baby and I are fine and healthy. It was nothing to worry about. But when they were doing the Ultrasound the tech goes OH hey would you like to know the sex of your baby. I said Yes. And she asked the Dr to tell me. She goes you are definatly haveing a boy. (my mom was there cause Ryan couldnt be due to work & this being a last min dr. visit) so She said Yeah I thought that was what that was a min ago. The tech said Yeah I could tell a while ago, but didnt know if you wanted to know or not. I was elated. So instead of telling Ry I thought I would play a prank on him. I called and said hey baby and I are fine, but I know the sex and I'm not telling you. He was all Man thats not fair. I told him I had a suprise for him so Mom and I went to the Store and baught baby ourfit that is a base ball suit that says "All Star" and a bath towel that says My little Rookie and it came with a Tiny football that is like 2 inches. But I put it in a Pink Bag. So we go to his office and I get out the Pink bag and Ry is all I knew it was a Girl, OHHHH. Then I tell him to look inside he was all I know it's a girl I dont have to. So I grabed the baseball out fit and showed him and then he got all excited and was like you mean we are having a BOY! I told him Yes and showed him the U/s Photo that shows our little ones thing. Ryan was so thrilled. I cant wait!
SO everyone E-mail me boy names you like we need a good one. Right now we like Colton, Luke, Nathan, Matt, Joel, Carson, Collin, Logan, Mason, Ethan, & Hunter! Please Put in your 2 cents!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Baby Names

Ok Guys we need your help. Ryan and I want to come up with an amazing name for our baby. We wont find out until the 1st week in feb the sex of the baby but we feel it is important to have a girl and boy name picked out just incase the baby doesnt want to show us his/her goods or if the Dr. makes a mistake(those tests are only 85% accurate). So Please e-mail me with any feedback you may have regarding names you like (Keep in mind it needs to go well with Landon) and here are some of our favs to see what you think of them.
Boys: Colton, Larry, Luke, Nathan, Kevin, Matt, Joel, Carson, Logan, & Mason
Girls: Calleigh, Paige, Maggie, Emily, Abigale, Emma, Mckinzee, & Brook