Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Well Barrett is one month old and it has been a crazy month. There have been highs and lows but over all it has been amazing. Our little man is growing like a weed and he is so sweet. He loves to watch Ryan and I, or lay in bed and look at his sail boat mobile. There have been a few nights where he didn’t sleep at all but for the most part since day one he wakes up only 3 times a night to eat and be changed. Ryan and I couldn’t be more happy or proud of anything ever. Well we will post more as we get it in the mean time we hope you enjoy the pictures we posted.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

2 weeks and growing

Well today Barrett is officially 2 weeks old. He went on his 1st walk this morning and he loved it, he slept most of the trip. He went to the Dr. yesterday and he is doing amazing. He has grown almost an inch, to 20 1/4 inches, and he has gained 10oz in 1 week(since we last took him to the dr.) Dr. Nesmith said that is amazing since they usually gain 4-8 oz in a week. He is starting to focus more when you talk to him it is like he can actually see us now. He is also almost on a schedule, he wakes only 3 times every night, like clock work midnight, 3am and 6am. Days are kinda crazy, he sleeps and eats when he wants but thats ok cause nights are scheduled. Ryan and I couldn't be happier. We love our precious little boy.
I am doing good as well, I have lost 25lbs in 2 weeks and I am walking again(cant run again until 6 week checkup is cleared),but thats OK. It is slow healing but I feel great and cant wait to be 100% again. I will post more updates as we get them.