Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day

It is funny to me how much my little man remembers and retains. This morning we woke to a beautiful sight here in Waco, SNOW! As any good mom would do I bundled Barrett up in his Snow suit that we purchased in Vail, Co, over thanksgiving and took him out to play in the wintery wonderland. Not 5 min out he gets a very frustrated look on his face. I asked him "Whats wrong Bear" He looks at me and said" this is not good snow" I then asked why and he told me " it doesnt make snowballs like in the mountains". I tried to help him after hearing his problem but sure enought it didnt pack well and made lousy snowballs! I guess letting him experiance real snow in Colorado jaded him on Texas snow for a while. :(
But he did have some fun, we made snow angles, & wrote in the snow. Then we came in the warm house and drank hot Coco. What a good time!