Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Well things are moving fast.... Barrett is 5 months old and on Christmas eve he will be 6 months. He is eating solid foods as shown in my last blog. He so far is eating Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Peas, Apples, Rice cereal & oatmeal, & next week he starts on Pears. He is getting so big. He now weighs 16 lbs and is growing like a weed. Barrett went as tigger for halloween. We took him Trick or Treating at 2 houses in the neighborhood that his father and I grewup in. It was neat cause he got to go to 2 houses we use to trick or treat at when we were little. Thanksgiving went well I had all the Landons at our house plus a cousin his brothers kids. All in all we had 19 people and Yes I did all the cooking including the turkey! Thank Goodness my mom taught me how to cook. Anyhow it went off without a hitch and everyone loved the house and the food. I will post pics when I get them Downloaded. As for this week My mom and I took Barrett to have his Pic made with Santa and he loved it. I will post that too when I get it. I am done shopping for Christmas and that is good. All I have to do now is Wrap. Well I better go I will post more in the next few weeks.