Thursday, December 6, 2007

It's a Baby!

Well in case you guys haven't heard, Ryan and I are having a Baby. We are 9 weeks Pregnant today Dec 6, 2007. I was having some preg problems and since we have already lost 3 babies in the past I decided to go in to the Dr. early to ease my mind. They did an Ultrasound and I was able to see the baby moving and heard it's Heartbeat (176 beats per min). I have to admit it was emotional, but I am so thrilled the Baby is big strong and healthy. Ryan felt bad that he had clients in town and had to miss the 1st pic of our baby but no worries cause he gets to go in next week for a followup ultrasound and see our little one then. The Dr. explained what was causing my problems, Nothing Bad, both me and baby are good, however it will cause us to have no option but to have a C-Section (unless a mirical occures)which frankly scares me a little, but if our little one is OK I am fine with it. I will post more as we get word.