Sunday, August 31, 2008

2 month Dr visit

On Monday I took Barrett to the Dr. to get his 2 month check up and his 1st set of shots. Wouldn’t you know it he was a champ and did really well. He has grown and is now 21 ¾ inches long, and weighs in at 11.5 lbs. The Dr. said he is in the 50th percentile, which according to him is perfect. Anything more and he would be to big and anything less and he would be to small. I am happy with that. As for getting shots he really didn’t cry much just when the nurse pinned his legs down on the side of the table, and when she took the needle out. All in all he got 5 vaccines. He did well and didn’t even run much of a fever afterwards. I have included more pictures and will post more as we get them.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

2 Months

Barrett turned 2 months old this week. He has had a busy week. He learned how to roll over on his own, on the day he turned 8 weeks. He met his cousins for the 1st time.And he can sit up in his bumbo chair all by himself. The Dr. said it is good to give him chair time and tummy time because it helps the baby improve his motor skills, & will help him sit up and crawl faster then babies that dont. All in all it was a great week, and a great 1st 2 months. I cant believe how much he has grown and how big he is getting already. We go back to the Dr. on monday for his 1st set of shots and for his 2 month checkup so I will update again then to let you know how big he is and what the Dr. has to say.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Update on us I have lost 34lbs since giving birth and my goal is to get back to what I was in college. So I have about 50 to go to get there, Thanks Goodness for Weight watchers, and Running. As for Barrett, he is now 7 weeks old and I cant belive how fast he is growing. He now smiles and kinda laughs when we do something silly. He has super strong legs and neck muscles. He has been holding his head up since he was 2 weeks old, and he scoots across the bed or floor when we have tummy time. It's like he crawls without using his arms, he just pushes himself with his legs.(The Dr. said some kids are just quicker to adapt their motor skills then others, but it doesnt mean he will be any smarter then other kids, But we can hope) LOL , It shouldn't be a suprise to me since both Ryan and I were walking by 10 months of age.Well I will give another update when I get one in the mean time enjoy the new pics.