Sunday, August 31, 2008

2 month Dr visit

On Monday I took Barrett to the Dr. to get his 2 month check up and his 1st set of shots. Wouldn’t you know it he was a champ and did really well. He has grown and is now 21 ¾ inches long, and weighs in at 11.5 lbs. The Dr. said he is in the 50th percentile, which according to him is perfect. Anything more and he would be to big and anything less and he would be to small. I am happy with that. As for getting shots he really didn’t cry much just when the nurse pinned his legs down on the side of the table, and when she took the needle out. All in all he got 5 vaccines. He did well and didn’t even run much of a fever afterwards. I have included more pictures and will post more as we get them.

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