Thursday, August 21, 2008

2 Months

Barrett turned 2 months old this week. He has had a busy week. He learned how to roll over on his own, on the day he turned 8 weeks. He met his cousins for the 1st time.And he can sit up in his bumbo chair all by himself. The Dr. said it is good to give him chair time and tummy time because it helps the baby improve his motor skills, & will help him sit up and crawl faster then babies that dont. All in all it was a great week, and a great 1st 2 months. I cant believe how much he has grown and how big he is getting already. We go back to the Dr. on monday for his 1st set of shots and for his 2 month checkup so I will update again then to let you know how big he is and what the Dr. has to say.

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