Monday, January 7, 2008

Baby Names

Ok Guys we need your help. Ryan and I want to come up with an amazing name for our baby. We wont find out until the 1st week in feb the sex of the baby but we feel it is important to have a girl and boy name picked out just incase the baby doesnt want to show us his/her goods or if the Dr. makes a mistake(those tests are only 85% accurate). So Please e-mail me with any feedback you may have regarding names you like (Keep in mind it needs to go well with Landon) and here are some of our favs to see what you think of them.
Boys: Colton, Larry, Luke, Nathan, Kevin, Matt, Joel, Carson, Logan, & Mason
Girls: Calleigh, Paige, Maggie, Emily, Abigale, Emma, Mckinzee, & Brook

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