Friday, April 4, 2008

High Bloodpresure

Ok I know some of you guys have been asking how the pregnancy is going so I will just send out updates as I get them from my Dr. I went in on Monday because I had some pretty bad swelling in my legs,& feet, (which most of the time is normal in Pregnancy, but with my history we decided to be safe).Well Barrett and I are both fine. His heart rate was great, & he is growing like a weed. My swelling on the other hand not so good. It turns out my Bloodpresure had been slightly high the last couple of visits, over the weekend it got up to 140/80(which in pregnancy is high) the Dr told me we are going to watch the swelling and the Bp and if it gets up too much more, they are going to have to put me on bed rest. The Dr. told me to keep walking daily and eat healthy and in 2 weeks we will check it again. Lets Pray it stays down cause I cant be in bed for the next 13 weeks. Ok so my next Dr. Apt is April 16 so I will update you guys then. Thanks for all your carring, and prayers.

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