Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Swelling Update

Ok so I was really swollen in my legs today so my mom told me to just stop by the Dr.'s office to have them check it out and check my Bloodpressure. I did, & found out that My bp is a little high but not dangerous yet. GOOD news there.
BAD News is that I am measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule. He has scheduled an ultrasound for tomorrow, to check Barretts size and condition, & to see if he is still Breeched and thinks that if Barrett is getting too big they may induce me in June, and if he is still breeched we will have to have a C-section. We will see. I know that what ever God wants will happen. He also said I have to cut all salt and sugar out of my diet, OK that really stinks! BLAHHH.
I will send another update tomorrow after the results are in.
Take care & I will talk to you soon.

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