Wednesday, September 24, 2008

13 Weeks Old

Barrett just turned 13 weeks old. He is doing great! He is roughly 24 in long and weighs about 13 lbs. He is growing like a weed, and loves to Coo and laugh. In fact he laughed so hard the other day at his Poppy Young that he lost his breath. It was adorable. He has also mastered the art to turning in circles on his belly and he can scoot himself across the bed or mat that I put him on when we have tummy time. He has also gotten to the stage where he loves to take baths and splach in the water. Just think in 1 1/2 weeks he gets to go on his 1st airplane ride and in 3 weeks he gets to try baby foods. Well I have included pictures and I hope you guys like them. Until the next update take care and I hope all is well with you and your family.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Babies 1st flight

Well I am so excited Ryan called me from work the other day and informed me that Barrett and I are going to accompany him to Las Vegas next month for work. I am so excited because this will be 1. Our 1st family trip together, 2. Barrett's 1st plane ride & 3. My 1st visit to vegas. Ok on the 3rd one that is 1/2 true. When I was a sophmore in Highschool our band drove through Vegas on our way to Disneyland but we were not allowed to get off the bus. We got to see the lights cause it was night time but we were not allowed to walk around and take in the sites. I have one month to get ready for this trip. I know you are probably thinking thats plenty of time. If it was just us adults sure your right but with a baby it is different. I have to get him use to taking a pacifier so that he can suck on something durring the flight to help his ears adapt to the pressure, I have to find a portable crib for him that is not our pack n play cause that is to big to take on the plane, and I have to get a sling and several other things. Heck just going to the store with a baby takes an extra 30 min, so traveling across the country I am sure will be a fun adventure. However I am looking forward to it very much.