Wednesday, May 21, 2008

33 week update

It’s just me again with your 2 week update on how Barrett and I are doing. So this morning I had my 33 week checkup. Ok so this kid is driving me crazy, 1st he was 2 weeks ahead of schedule, then he was right on track, then he went to being 1 week ahead of the game. Well now he is back to being on schedule again. My Dr. told me today that he is measuring just right, and he is looking good. He did say however that that means nothing because Barrett will come when he wants to not when we tell/expect him to. He said he could show up tomorrow (although highly unlikely) or he could be right on his due date. I want him to make his big entrance on July 4 but who knows. On another note Barrett's room is almost finished we just have a few odds and ends to finish and then I will send pics out of that. OK well enough rambling I will let you go, just know that you will get another update in 2 weeks! Until then take care and I hope to talk to you soon.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers day weekend

Well this weekend was blah! I was having problems with my feet and legs being swollen again so I had to stay home and stay in bed. It sucked!!!! Friday Ryan got to go out on our friends boat and have fun while I stayed home and watched tv. BLAH. Sat was also mellow, We were suppose to go to Austin for a friend's wedding but we again had to miss it cause my Bloodpresure was up and the Dr advised me not to travel more then 30 min outside Waco. This would have been fine but another friend from waco who is due like 2 weeks from now went so I am sure it looks bad, but when the Dr. tells me to do or not to do something I try to listen. Then mothers day was crazy we went to my in-laws for about 4 hrs and had lunch, it was great to see the brother/sister in'laws and all of their kids. We really had a good time there. Then it was off to my mom & dad's for dinner (cooked by yours truely) it was nice we spent about 3-4 hrs at my parents as well and we had a blast. Between my grandma being old and goofy and my mom laughing at her being goofy it was quite the weekend. OK well I probably wont have another blog until my next dr. APT on the 22nd.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Yet another Dr. APT

Well I went in to the Dr. Yesterday and good news is that I actually lost 6 lbs. The Dr. was very happy with that and told me to stick to the no sugar no salt and low carbs in my diet so that Barrett doesnt get to big. Other Good news is that Neither me or Barrett grew this week so he is now only about 9 days ahead of schedule. YEAHHHHH. Well my next appointment is in 2 weeks so I will send another update then. YEAH just 8 weeks from today we should be meeting Little Barrett.